240 dwellings in phase 5 ; 243 dwellings in phase 6 ; 72 dwellings in phase 7
A mix of dwellings including a range of market and affordable homes, from family homes to properties aimed at first time buyers.
Most dwellings are two storeys, with some 2.5 storeys being provided at key locations to provide focal points in each phase.
The new homes are split into carefully designed ‘character areas’ that will create a unique and distinct identity for the new community.
R5 Character Area- our Classics house type range with some contemporary units being provided to front the main road.
R6 Character Area- our Queen Anne range.
R7 Character Area- Contemporary units to coincide with the location of the commercial centre and Primary School.
Two senior sports pitches for general league use, developed in liaison with Rugby Borough Council.
A new car park to the north of the playing pitches to mitigate against any potential parking issues in surrounding residential areas.
A new children’s play area of a natural character i.e. feature boulders; a climbing trunk; a wooden dragonfly; and nest swing is to be situated within the Central Meadow Area (between R5 and R6) with pedestrian pathways.
Bloor Homes is committed to delivering a sustainable development that is sensitive to the character of the area.
Footpaths and cycleways are an integral part of the development.
Electric Vehicle charging points.
Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick, CV34 6UW
Telephone: 01926 623095
Email: [email protected]